2018-09-12 18:00:53
wtf,damn thats bad,hope u find proper treatment on other sites,not getting paid is just messed up,Thanks for bringing this to light
2018-09-12 18:18:10
Oh man... i'm sorry for you oppai. I hope you get treated better on another site. I wish you the best of luck.
2018-09-12 18:23:44
wait a second... so that is mean that I can not write "Dinosknight" on my arts anymore?
2018-09-12 18:57:27
maybe you should talk to them and find some compromise. I mean I dont think they would want to lose an artist like you from their site.
2018-09-12 19:30:43
No its about patreon logo I think...
2018-09-12 19:46:32
Best of luck to you Oppai, I completely understand your decision and hope it leads you to success in the end. Whentai seems to be getting too big for it's briches lately, en******* rules that benefit nobody but themselves while harming their users and artists, only because they know most people don't really have any viable alternative to go to.
2018-09-12 22:29:13
I am successful elsewhere, but thanks for the support and encouraging words. Whentai is a very small percentage of the amount I make drawing. I make most of my money via patreon, then through direct commissions and lastly there's Whentai which I don't get much from here, especially after paypal fees. I want to say I am still open for commissions just directly instead of here. Anyone can contact me on Twitter or Tumblr and I always respond.
2018-09-12 22:46:54
Personally to me, timed exclusivity would be the best compromise. 4-6 months as of the date posted on whentai can be considered fair time passed for artists to then use watermark-less content for patreon tier (not public) purposes providing theres some credit to Whentai posted?. This is only my personal solution opinion but I can appreciate both sides of the argument. But if updates happened but not communicated clearly thats the first check.
2018-09-12 22:47:30
For several days I have not had contact with the administration
2018-09-12 22:58:10
I'm not worried about the commissions I do here being on Patreon. I give them the same treatment I do any commission. I upload them in the 1 dollar tier as well as upload them to Tumblr, Twitter and Pixiv all at the same time. I never use commissions from anywhere as Patreon exclusive. They're not my ideas so I don't take credit for them. Patreon is for my own ideas I draw.
2018-09-12 23:01:46
Well I don't know. My patreon is poor. Whentai is the bestfor me for now, but good luck.
2018-09-12 23:17:21
Oppai Often I sees your work on the internet, sent by random users, Maybe that's why your account was considered not yours?
2018-09-13 03:24:02
Hi. The terms and conditions clearly state all the requirements. And you agreed on those terms when starting receiving money from WHentai. For those who have concerns about watermarks (@DinosKnight): Artists aren't prohibited to promote their personal pages/websites or putting personal credits to a blog/website (as it is stated in the Terms). Since artists receive money for the artworks from WHentai members, it's obvious to give credit to WHentai rather than other sites (earn more money from something being paid for by our members). Dear Studio Oppai, First of all: good story! But I would disagree with your point of being a victim. As I remember, you keep "quitting" WHentai each time you receive a warning on terms *********. Without even trying to follow them up. And after some time, return back and keep continuing breaking them up. As for the money: you were never told that you won't get the money. You were just warned to follow the Terms up. Also, you were told that your payments will be on hold until you fix (re-upload) clean versions of the artworks (seems to me that it's not an impossible task). Moreover, the issue caused only the newest uploads (2 pictures, to be specific). And you ou were paid 100% for all artworks prior to the warning. I've no idea why you decided to make your terms ********* public in such a manner, rather than contacting us back (you've received and read our message more than a week ago, and no reply from you followed until TOFUCK told me of your having some issues yesterday). It would have passed easily and quietly if you had contacted us back and re-uploaded clean versions of the latest artworks.
2018-09-13 10:43:22
None of the above changes the fact that your rules are now quite astoundingly greedy and detrimental to everyone involved except yourselves. Literally the only reason anyone would ever agree is that there are no other options.
2018-09-13 13:09:50
Every site in the world get its income from the attendance quantity of the visitors. I worked once in domain company so I know about it. If anyone keep advertising the other ones in their arts that are published at your site(or even here) , it is obvious that your site will lose its popularity and the income also. So I don't think that I can blame this site's stuff for that they forbid the watermarks of the other sites here. But what about getting paid. There are always peaceful and polite ways to reach an agreement between support and artist. I think non of us wanna to offend the other one. So maybe you should just talk and find the way to work with each other.
2018-09-13 13:11:13
Well, clearly you didn't read the blog post. Because I clearly state that when I started years ago those rules wasn't in place because the site was much different back then. So, how would I know about those rules? Why would I make an effort to routinely check back at the terms and conditions when something is added without my knowledge? Secondly as I stated in the blog post, contrary to what you've stated about both uploads I wasn't paid for as being the newest ones I've done, one of the 2 uploads I wasn't paid for was before I had gotten any inbox warning. Third your message told me nothing about reuploading the pics, I would have deleted or corrected it myself if I could have, the message just told me future uploads wouldn't be paid. Fourthly, both of the messages I got came off as rude and attacking. Threatening instead of nicely asking me to make changes or work to correct mistakes. Fifthly, the last message I got wants me to go back and correct every commission and pic upload I've done on every website I upload to, to add in the watermark from this website, otherwise I'll be penalized and not paid for future commissions here. How is that not threatening? I can easily upload corrected works for the 2 commissions I wasn't paid for. But, asking me to go to all my websites and replace the upload with a watermark for Whentai for all the pics I've uploaded here, otherwise I'll be ******ed and not paid, isn't reasonable at all.
2018-09-14 08:23:24
The way this site is run is pretty pants on head, square peg in a round hole retarded, and the logic they try to use to claim IP is laughable. WH is nothing more than a medium. It's eBay/Craigslist for artists. The only thing they should have claim to is a % commission for each pic made through here. But it is their site so they're free to make whatever rules they want. "Since artists receive money for the artworks from WHentai members, it's obvious to give credit to WHentai rather than other sites (earn more money from something being paid for by our members)." No. Not at all you idiot. You don't get any credit outside of providing a medium of exchange. You had no stake in the creation of the pic, you're just a middle man. The pics could have just as easily been made if you didn't exist (this isn't the only medium that exists). This is one of the reasons I do most of my work directly and not through a medium like here. I would suggest other artists and potential commissioners to do the same.
2018-09-20 12:31:31
Well, its simple -- its their site, their rules. You dont wanna follow them, go to somewhere else. Its that simple.
2018-08-31 13:58:57
Sounds like unfair dismissal mate. You should sue your old works lol. Yeah your a great artist bud and it's cool your getting all these commissions. It's also wise your only going for commissions you enjoy rather then just drawing anything for money. That's when work suffers. Looking forward to future work :)
2018-08-31 14:11:17
Actually in my country and my state I live there's a rule in the contracts you sign that says you can be fired or let go at any time and there's nothing you can do about it. But, on the other side you can also quit a job at any time and not have anything done to you. So, sadly I'm just screwed until I decide what I'm going to do next. Haha.
2018-09-01 06:49:11
Well that kind of sucks then lol. Rules are a little bit stricter then that here in the UK fortunately. But yeah hope you get something sorted out soon dude ;)
2018-09-02 10:01:18
That's a fucking retarded contract O_o
2018-08-28 02:26:08
Todoroki is one that can, and is paired with anyone and everyone. Midnight is just a suductive hero and can also be paired with any one base on her hero design. I dont really know how to pair them my self but I havent seen many denki, sero or any other guys from class "A" excluding deku, bakkugo and todorok, paired with here.
2018-08-28 02:28:56
You can pair midnight with just about anyone but i'd like to see her with todoroki hehe ?
2018-08-28 03:08:19
As said above, she can really be paired with anyone. I personally like to see her gangbanged by other staff members like Cementoss and Present Mic. Sort of a look behind the scenes of the constant orgies that happen in the faculty room ;)
2018-08-28 06:24:03
Recently, there was a special episode where Almighty pretended to be a villain and the North pretended to be his girlfriend, they had such outfits :Image External
2018-08-28 08:29:07
You could just have her being fucked by random villains in her 'banned' outfit, using her pink spores with everyone into it, for giggles you can create your own villian with sex based quirks. 0:27
2018-08-29 19:49:24
We need more todoroki x anyone period, Im just sick of seeing the main boys and mineta all the damn time.
2018-08-29 19:50:23
Todoroki x Midnight definitely needs to be more popular the most though!
2018-07-31 03:11:19
I would love to see Natsu pounding Levy.
2018-07-31 06:10:27
I am glad that you are developing in this direction, And if you like her ass, anal sex would come in handy
2018-07-31 15:58:09
Very nice Levy !!
2018-07-31 22:56:48
Definitely agree with the anal sex for Levy. Double penetrated by Natsu and Gray OR Jet and Drop Loving the smaller body/tit size here. Hopefully you draw Sakura like this at some point
2018-08-02 10:08:56
Enough with the natsu, what about someone that goes good with her like jellal?
2018-08-02 12:18:28
Because I hate Jellal so much. I'll never draw hentai of him with any girl.
2018-08-04 05:11:03
2018-07-10 23:19:35
2018-07-11 01:05:53
Do what you think is best, but i will be interested in commissions.
2018-07-11 04:16:00
wow. great!
2018-07-11 05:50:54
Hey there SO, i can only agree to NvL but i am still glad your back, even if it is only for a wihle. I realy like your artworks.
2018-07-11 17:49:03
#NvL0326 #Dragohn thanks. I usually only bid on ideas I like. So, when I see some ideas posted I like I may bid on them. Thanks.
2018-06-01 05:22:30
Nice and Goodluck on your new beginnings regardless what type of career you want to follow we wish you the best
2018-06-01 08:03:15
Take care SO !!
2018-06-01 15:37:49
good continuity
2018-05-17 18:21:45
He has a patreon, and his mail is listed there. His nickname is Cowboy Tanaka.
2018-05-17 18:23:50
#Kemor what's his patreon?
2018-05-17 18:48:45
Never mind. I found him. Thanks.
2018-05-17 18:49:30
I guess since I'm an artist on the site I can't buy votes. So when I commission an artist I have to do it directly. Haha.
2018-05-31 20:28:28
studio oppai, when you publish your amazing images on pixiv & tumblr ,, here I can not extract anything, because there is only to pay, please publish some of these images on tumblr, please ????????
2018-04-10 15:59:53
same problem
2018-04-10 16:05:31
Cool. Glad it's not just me. Haha. I'll wait for it to be done then.
2018-04-10 17:12:46
Me too.
2018-04-10 17:18:49
I also have a same problem with "site under construction" whenever I'm trying to open my messages.
2018-04-10 17:44:15
It should get fixed by now. Sorry for the inconvenience caused!
2018-04-10 18:11:30
You can't have trouble with messages if no one messages you. ;')
2018-04-09 01:06:55
2018-04-09 01:56:33
Aw... i’m gonna miss you.
2018-04-09 06:59:19
Oh, that's a pity! Hope you'll be able to come back soon!
2018-04-09 07:20:51
aye pancake man
2018-04-09 17:19:42
Rip. Take care man!
2017-12-13 10:26:28
Damn. Was hoping for a Sakura with strap on option. Student surpassing the master and all that
2017-11-29 02:51:54
Probably get a member to start the comm for you and then stack the votes on to it
2017-11-29 03:17:34
strange. go to comission section describe your Idea. chose artist (if you want som special) set 50 EVs (by default 100 EV there - use dropdown menu to set 50) and start your comission. Than check other artists who is free today and want to participate - chose one you prefer and wait for pic done. That`s all.
2017-11-29 07:36:40
The site doesn't allow artists to create commissions for other artists, I thought that's just how it has been (I don't think they can buy EV either)
2017-11-29 13:46:11
#WHentaiTan #GGC I think that's correct. About artists not being able to do commissions from other artists or buy evs. I can't find the option to start a commission with my own idea or even an option to buy votes anywhere.
2017-11-29 21:24:33
As said before, apparently other artists can't create a commission pool, so you will keep those EVs for the moment but, if you really want to ask someone to make a drawing for you, maybe you can propose an ArtInterchange unless you really don't want to make a drawing for another drawing; in any case I don't think you'll spend those EVs, but I think you can collect them until you get $50 and get paid those $50 if I got right the message in the settings below the sum of EVs.
2017-10-03 02:21:11
The fastest I've been paid is 3 days most of the time it's 5-8 the longest I've waited has probably been 10 days but I've never waited 2 weeks or longer before.
2017-10-03 05:26:23
As it is written in FAQ: the payments will be processed within the next 5 BUSINESS days. That means, that it might become 9 days in the worst scenario. And, as I remember, there was no delay of 2 weeks or longer ever with any artist.
2017-10-03 22:35:23
Actually I have waited 15 regular days before. So 11 business days. it was earlier this year around February. I was told by support the delay was because of the Paypal weekly payout limit or something and lots of commissions had to be paid out. So, I had to wait that long before. I was just curious how it worked for all other artists. It seems that payout days are Monday's and since I uploaded a pic on a monday then waited until the next tuesday for it to be paid out. I didn't know if things had changed or how it worked. Thanks.
2017-10-04 06:38:31
its normally a few days after every pic, the longest being 5. however the more commissions you get running, the more payments you get ranging from every few days to daily
2017-10-04 06:41:01
sometimes i have to wait from 3 to 5 days but im ok with that it doesnt bothers me